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School Menus

Frontier School Jan. 15: Poppyseed chicken with wild rice, fruits and veggies.

Jan. 16: Tacos, refried beans, fruits and veggies.

Jan. 17: Waffles and sausages, hashbrowns, fruits and veggies.

Jan. 18: Indian butter chicken over rice, fruits and veggies.

Jan. 19: Pizza, (no salad bar), carrot sticks and apple sauce. *** Wolf Point School Jan. 15: Breakfast: Biscuits and gravy and grapes. Lunch: Chicken parmesan sliders, applesauce, dinner salad and broccoli.

Jan. 16: Breakfast: Oatmeal, apples and toast. Lunch: Walking tacos and carrots.

Jan. 17: Breakfast: Scrambled eggs, hashbrown triangles and toast. Lunch: Hot ham and cheese sandwiches, chickpea and romaine salad, grapes and gems.

Jan. 18: Breakfast: Trix cereal bowls, Nutigrain bars and grapes. Lunch: Pizza, salad, carrots, broccoli and pineapple. *** Lustre School Jan. 15: Hot dogs. Jan. 16: Tacos. Jan. 17: Hamburger gravy over mashed potatoes.

Jan. 18: Chicken and rice. Jan. 19: Chili cheese fries.

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