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Scholarships Open For Reach Higher Montana


Reach Higher Montana, a leading non-profit organization dedicated to supporting education and empowering Montana students, announced Jan. 3 that they have launched their “It’s Scholarship Time” application for high school and college students across the state.

The “It’s Scholarship Time” initiative simplifies the application process by offering a single, comprehensive application form that allows students to apply for multiple scholarships simultaneously. This innovative approach aims to streamline the application experience, providing students with a more accessible and efficient way to access financial support for their education.

“We understand that the cost of education can be a significant barrier for many students. With ‘It’s Scholarship Time,’ we aim to break down those barriers and empower students to pursue their academic and career goals without the burden of overwhelming financial constraints,” said Kelly Cresswell, Executive Director at Reach Higher Montana.

Key features of the “It’s Scholarship Time” application include single application features allowing students to complete one application form to be considered for a variety of scholarships, saving time and effort in the application process, as well as tailored scholarships for diverse needs available through this initiative, catering to a wide range of students, recognizing academic achievement, leadership skills, community involvement and various other criteria.

Whether a high school senior planning to pursue higher education or a current college student seeking financial assistance, the “It’s Scholarship Time” application is open to students at different stages of their academic journey. Reach Higher Montana aims to support a diverse group of students, ensuring that financial constraints do not hinder the dreams and aspirations of Montana’s future leaders.

The application period for “It’s Scholarship Time” opens on Jan. 1 and closes on March 1. Students are encouraged to visit the Reach Higher Montana website at ReachHigherMontana. org to learn more about the available scholarships, eligibility criteria and to access the application form.

For more information, please contact or call 406-285-1107.

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