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Poplar Fights Off Froid/Lake In Non-conference Basketball Play

Poplar Fights Off Froid/Lake In Non-conference Basketball Play Poplar Fights Off Froid/Lake In Non-conference Basketball Play


The Froid/Lake Red Hawks battled until the end, but Poplar’s boys’ basketball team emerged with a 67-62 non-conference home win on Tuesday, Dec. 19.

Poplar held a 37-31 halftime advantage and appeared ready to take control of the contest when freshman Keilen Erickcon scored off an assist from Delray Lilley and Kameron Reum added a fast-break bucket for a 41-31 advantage.

Froid/Lake’s standout Mason Dethman then stepped up with the next six points to close the margin in a hurry to 41-37.

With Poplar up by only a 4339 margin, the Indians struck when Geordy Medicine Cloud fired in a three-pointer and Kaniel Ricker accounted for a three-point play. Dethman tallied the next four points, but Lilley connected on a three-pointer to put Poplar ahead 52-43 after three quarters of play.

A drive by Nate Stentoft, a free throw by Joseph Robertson and a basket by Landon Kelm helped keep the Red Hawks close in the fourth quarter, but Poplar moved out to a 60-48 lead on hoops by Erickson and Medicine Cloud.

The Indians held a ninepoint advantage heading into the game’s final minute, but two free throws and a three-pointer by Dethman kept things interesting at 64-59. A three-point play by Stentoft got the Red Hawks as close as 65-62 with 10 seconds left. Lilley led Poplar with 34 points. Erickson finished with nine points. Adding eight points each were Medicine Cloud, Ricker and Reum.

Leading the Red Hawks were Dethman with 38 and Stentoft with 20 points.

Poplar jumped out to an 18-6 lead, but five straight points by Stentoft cut the gap to 18-11 at the end of the first quarter.

The Indians were able to increase their advantage to 13 points midway into the second quarter, but Froid/Lake responded with eight straight points on four points each by Dethman and Stentoft.

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