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Lustre News

Lustre News Lustre News

Monday, Dec. 18, the Lustre Christian High School pep band sounded great as they played at half time and before the Lustre-Frazer basketball games in the first home game of the season. They played Christmas music including a syncopated version of God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen,

complete with drum solo.

The basketball teams’ next home games are Jan. 5 against Dodson and they travel to Circle on Jan. 6.

Roberto Atienza Jr., sonin- law of Dwaine and Vivian Wal,l graduated Dec. 22 from the University of Northwestern, St. Paul, Minn., with a masters of divinity. Bob and Gretchen Schiller and family went to Minnesota to attend the ceremonies. The speaker at the graduation was Minnesota House Representative Ben Bakeberg, an alumni of Northwestern and active education administrator. He spoke of “shade tree planting”, meaning “investing in the future of individuals and knowing you will never benefit from the shade yourself.” He challenged the grads “to make investments in others lives, to preserve and enhance in all you do. When faced with the opportunities to compromise truth, stay salty in the healthy sense of MT 5:15 and be light to a world that sorely needs it”. Roberto’s wife, Heather, is an alumnus of LCHS and they serve as director of the Children’s Shelter of Cebu in the Philippines.

The EMB Christmas program was Dec. 23.

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