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Lady Wolves Fall Against Scobey

Lady Wolves Fall Against Scobey Lady Wolves Fall Against Scobey

After a promising start, Wolf Point’s girls’ basketball team lost at home against Scobey by a 50-28 margin on Friday, Dec. 22.

The Wolves accounted for the game’s first four points on a basket by Sierra Hamilton off an assist from Keeley Blount-Henderson and a 12-footer by Blount-Henderson.

After Scobey’s Avery Wolfe hit a three-pointer, free throws by Ameliya Doney and Blount-Henderson gave the Wolves a 6-3 advantage.

A three-pointer by Kashlyn Speak Thunder helped Wolf Point gain a 9-5 lead at the end of the period.

Scobey tied the game on five straight points by Claire Lekvold, but the Wolves regained the lead on a free throw by Doney and a steal and drive by Blount-Henderson.

The Spartans, however, moved ahead 18-13 and went on to hold an 18-15 half-time advantage.

Scobey struck for 12 of the first 15 points of the third quarter. A three-pointer by Azalei Ackerman helped Wolf Point fight back to 33-22, but the Spartans held a 39-25 lead at the end of the third quarter.

Scobey opened the fourth quarter with the first nine points. Speak Thunder hit a free throw with 3:03 left to end the streak.

Doney led the Wolves with 10 points. Also scoring were Blount-Henderson with six, Speak Thunder with six, Ackerman with four and Hamilton with two.

Kaytie Aanstad finished with 17 points to lead the Spartans. Wolfe and Camrie Holum added eight points each.

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