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MMM Dear Santa, How ….

	Dear Santa, 
	 How …. MMM 
	Dear Santa, 
	 How ….


Dear Santa,

How are you? This year I need a new ball and train set. I need a winter hat. I would wear mittens. I like to read about science.

Love, Anthony Pipe


Dear Santa,

How are you? This year I want a bike. I need a new bed and clothes. I like to read about firemen.

Love, Kastle Adams

Dear Santa,

How are you? How are the reindeer doing? I hope Mrs. Claus is baking lots of candy canes. This year I want a dog and books about baby animals. I need a pair of snowpants. Love, Aries Weeks


Dear Santa,

How are you? You are the best. I want a necklace. I need a new coat and shoes. I would wear a hat. I like to read a book about animals.

Love, Adeline Keiser


Dear Santa,

My name is Mackson. I need presents for Christmas. Dear Santa, I want a new TV because I got a PS4. I need a TV stand. I would wear new shoes. I like to read chapter books and V-books. Love, Mackson Ahneman Wells


Dear Santa,

I tried to be good everyday. Thank you for my gifts last year. This year I want a pair of sneakers. I need Fortnight lunch box. I would wear a Nike sweater. I like to read a Harry Potter book. Love, Austin Mrs. Dianne Hoversland’s Second Grade Class


Dear Santa,

I’ve tried to be good each day. Thank you for the nice gifts you gave me last year.

This year I want a toy. I need a colorful bed. I would wear a comfy shirt. I like to read bunny books. Love, Alice Mrs. Dianne Hoversland’s Second Grade Class


Dear Santa,

I have tried to be good this year. Thanks for the gifts that you have given me. This year I want a leash and collar for my dog. I need warm gloves. I would wear a blue and black coat. I like to read The Magic Tree House books. Love, Francis Mrs. Dianne Hoversland’s Second Grade Class

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