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Library Board Talks Holes In State Funding

The Roosevelt County Library board met In Culbertson on Dec. 9. Attending were Joyce Harvey, library chairperson, and Vernie Madison, vice chairperson, as well as trustees Helen Welte and Gretchen Wagner, library director Janet Livingston and Suzanne Reymer, Montana State Library consultant.

The State Library has been helping local libraries who do not have broadband wiring with upgrades, but it was reported that there was not enough money to include Froid on the list of branches in line for support. No rationale was offered.

The pie social held annually in Froid and the continuation of the “Voices of Memory & Hope” project has started up again with money received from an Opportunity Bank grant.

Jessica Kierstead, librarian at the Culbertson Library, reported that they have two public computers that are very slow. She said the computer at the circulation desk does not work. She has asked the county IT person to get some quotes. Livingston gave Kierstead a copy of the quote received to look at making sure those computers will be what they want.

The main library in Wolf Point hosted an Ornament Night Dec. 12. Staff are showing Christmas movies on Saturdays. Livingston asked if the library could close Saturday, Dec. 23, with staff taking a vacation day. Members were in agreement, and Livingston said she would check with the Roosevelt County Commissioners for final approval.

The Friends of the Library have not had a meeting recently. The main lost its janitor in November. New lights have been installed, but Sand Electric was not completed at press time.

The compiled results from a survey for the strategic plan were discussed. The minutes from the four public meetings in Froid, Culbertson, Poplar and Wolf Point were each reviewed.

Livingston said, “Information was shared about community input both positive and negative to better address the needs of each community.”

The video surveillance policy has been returned from the county attorney’s office. Members read through the suggestions and had a few questions for clarification by the next meeting.

There were no large purchases for the month.

The minutes from the Aug. 26 meeting were approved and statements from October and November were reviewed.

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