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Governor Announces Property Taxes Task Force

Montana Gov. Greg Gianforte has announced he will launch a task force to address rising property taxes and how to restrain their growth to help Montana homeowners.

“Property taxes are too high. Over this year and next, our $1,350 property tax rebate will provide the average Montana homeowner with relief that more than offsets their property tax increase,” Gianforte said.

“While these property tax rebates will help in the short term, we need long-term reforms to keep property taxes as low as possible, and we must be deliberate and thoughtful as we develop, enact, and implement those solutions,” Gianforte continued. “Our property tax task force will deliver an actionable plan to rein in property taxes for legislators to consider for their next regular session in January 2025.”

Gianforte will name the task force’s members and their charge in January.

The governor concluded, “We have a model that works: our housing task force delivered meaningful solutions and results, and I’m confident that the property tax task force will do the same.”

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