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Food Donations Requested For Students

Local resident Jeri Toavs is urging people to consider donating food items to help feed some of Wolf Point’s less fortunate children during the holiday season.

Toavs said the idea came to her when a grandson mentioned that one of his school friends didn’t have much to eat at home.

“So the grandma in me kicked in,” Toavs laughed.

Toavs, who is the Roosevelt County Superintendent of Schools, is hoping for donations of easy-to-open food items. Smaller children may not be able to use a can opener, so a pop top lid makes it easier.

Financial donations will be accepted. There is also a need for personal care items.

Toavs will give the donations to the Wolf Point Schools’ food pantry prior to the holiday break.

Donations can be dropped off in Toavs’ office on the top floor of the courthouse or call her at 406-480-0242.

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