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School Menus

Froid School Dec. 4: Tatertot casserole, buns, string cheese and fruit.

Dec. 5: Chili, cinnamon rolls, crackers, cheese and fruit.

Dec. 6: Meatball subs, veggies, chips and dessert.

Dec. 7: Fish sticks, fries, veggies and fruit.

*** Culbertson School Dec. 4: Grilled chicken, mashed potatoes, gravy and green beans.

Dec. 5: Pizza bake, salad and pineapple.

Dec. 6: Corndogs, french fries and applesauce.

Dec. 7: Pulled pork, baked beans and pears.

Dec. 8: Chicken nuggets, carrots and peaches.

*** Bainville School Dec. 4: Breakfast: Oatmeal and ham. Lunch: Salisbury steaks, mashed potatoes, mixed veggies and mixed fruit.

Dec. 5: Breakfast: Scones. Lunch: Super nachos, corn and apple crisp.

Dec. 6: Breakfast: Egg cups. Lunch: Corndogs, gems, snap peas and peaches.

Dec. 7: Breakfast: Eggs and hashbrowns. Lunch: Sloppy joes, green beans and pineapple.

Dec. 8: Breakfast: Muffins and sausage links. Lunch: Chicken alfredo, broccoli and grapes.

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