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Bainville Students Salute Veterans

Bainville Students Salute Veterans Bainville Students Salute Veterans

Veterans Day

Bainville School students thanked area veterans during their annual program held on Friday, Nov. 10.

“I think about this day for weeks, but this week it was really on my mind,” superintendent Darin Hannum said at the conclusion of the well-attended event.

He noted that veterans exemplify the ideas of duty, dedication and honor.

“The kids just have to look in the community for real heroes,” Hannum said.

The program included a memorial plaque dedication to the family of Justin Nehring, who died from a farming accident last summer. After graduating from Bainville High School, he joined the Army National Guard in 1999. He served a year overseas in Iraq.

Friend Cole Brookman said to the audience, “I can only imagine what a great solider he was.”

Brookman described Nehring of having a great and fun personality. He noted he talked about his family and farm a lot.

The veterans day program featured kindergarten students leading in the Pledge of Allegiance. After a prayer by senior Cayden Boyd, the eighth-grade choir sang, Land of the Free. Senior Kendra Romo served as the master of ceremonies for the program.

The audience then enjoyed a video featuring preschool children. After a reading by fourth-grade students, first-graders performed a song about American soldiers.

A video by the 11-12 cross training class was followed by second-grade students singing See the Veterans.

The sixth-grade class conducted an America’s white table presentation and the fifth-grade class performed a Star-Spangled Banner presentation.

Third-students students entertained the audience by singing

We Will Not Forget.

The Bainville Business Professionals of America organized a slide show that spotlighted area veterans. After each veteran was presented a gift, kindergarten students performed Thank A Vet.

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