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Lustre News


The Lustre EMB Church recently welcomed a new pastor, Rev. Wayne Hathaway and his wife, Jeanne. Their installation was held Sunday, Nov. 5, in the morning service.

The couple met at Northwestern College in Kirkland, Wash. After being pastor of Calvary Chapel in Billings, a non-denominational church that they planted 28 years ago, the Hathaways retired three years ago from a combined pastoral ministry of 50 years in three churches.

Wayne has been producing videologs during his retirement “planting some good seeds from Matthew 11 using Scripture, observation, application and prayer in a short presentation.”

In June, he wondered, “Is this it?” Is there something else I should be doing?” The couple came for Jeanne’s 60th high school class reunion in Wolf Point in July over Stampede weekend. Jeanne is the daughter of the late John and Clarabelle Ediger of north Wolf Point and grew up attending the Assembly of God Church.

The couple was married in Wolf Point and have quite the story to tell about a borrowed veil and a lost Bible and how the items were returned because someone read about their wedding in The Herald-


It was on their visit to Wolf Point last July, they were asked to consider coming out of retirement to pastor at the EMB Church in Lustre.

They have four children, seven grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. Children Lisa and Clay are both on their own in Billings and Bellingham, Wash., respectively. Daughter Clarice lives with Wayne and Jeanne in Lustre. Their son Cliff is in Las Vegas, Nev., after escaping his burning home in Lahaina, Maui, where he was employed by an art gallery.

When asked what their goals are for being in Lustre, Wayne replied, “We want to love and care for the people and to teach the Word.”

Freezing rain on the top of the highway met us Monday morning, Nov. 6, followed by four 21 degrees days. Friday temps came up to 34 degrees and we had dense fog. Fog usually indicates precipitation in 90 days, so the first week of February may bring snow.

We are thankful for the safety of the buses to school and to sporting events. Lustre played Dodson in volleyball action Friday night. The jamboree girls won 23 to 10 and the junior high girls won 41-17. The jamboree boys won 27-14 and the junior high boys won 51-20.

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