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Froid Town Council Holds Meetings


The Froid Council held its regular meeting Oct. 16. There was no quorum so votes on agenda items were postponed.

Council members gathered for a special meeting on Oct. 19 with the full council and one member of the public present.

At the Oct. 19 meeting, the council approved minutes for the Sept. 5 regular meeting and Sept. 5 budget hearing. Under new business, the council passed Resolution 2023-3, canceling the November general election.

Open seats will be filled by current council members. There were no contested races and no write-in candidates.

A contract was awarded to Pace Construction for sewer main cleaning and television inspection. Clerk LeAnn Johnson told the Community News that work was underway at press time.

There were no new building permits issued. Claims for payment were approved for October.

The next meeting of the Froid Town Council will be Nov. 14 at the community center in Froid.

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