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Students Take Part In Red Ribbon Run

Students Take Part In Red Ribbon Run Students Take Part In Red Ribbon Run

High school athletes from throughout the Fort Peck Reservation took part in the annual Red Ribbon Run as part of Red Ribbon Week on Tuesday, Oct. 24.

Runners involved represented schools from Nashua, Frazer, Wolf Point, Poplar and Brockton.

“It was a good day for a good cause,” Wolf Point’s activities director Eric Peterson said.

The students from Nashua ran to Frazer where they handed off to Frazer students who participated as far as the feedlot west of Wolf Point where they handed off to Wolf Point’s runners.

The runners from Wolf Point then went the distance to Tule Creek.

On the east side, Brockton and Poplar runners completed their routes.

Students then met at Thundering Buffalo Wellness Center in Poplar to receive recognition.

Two athletes were selected from each school to take part to “mend” the red ribbon hoops as part of the ceremony.

The athletes from Wolf Point were Peyton Summers and Jeina Reum. An honor song was played during the ceremony.

A lunch was offered to celebrate the runners’ accomplishments.

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