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Holden Looks To Enter Congressional Race


Former state senator and Montana rancher Ric Holden of Glendive has taken steps to enter the 2024 Eastern Montana Congressional race.

Holden represented the southeast corner of Montana in the state senate for eight years before term limiting out at the end of the 2002 special session. Holden returned to the family ranch to continue with his ranching operations and insurance claims business.

Ric and his wife, Jan, have a diversified ranch business including sheep, cattle, corn, alfalfa and grain crops near Terry.

As a state senator, Holden received “A” ratings from farm organizations on his legislative report cards. He also served as the senate agriculture chairman while in Helena.

He holds a college degree from Montana State University in Bozeman and was part of the U.S. Air Force, reserve officers training corps. He is a member of the National Rifle Association and also belongs to the conservative Association of Mature American Citizens.

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