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School Menus

Frontier School

All meals served with vegetables, fruit and milk.

Aug. 21: Pasta with meat sauce.

Aug. 22: Tacos Aug. 23: Fish patties. Aug. 24: Poppyseed chicken with rice.

*** Wolf Point School Aug. 21: Breakfast: Frosted flakes, graham crackers, Scooby Doo’s and oranges. Lunch: Chicken patty sandwiches on hamburger buns, sweet potato fries and romaine blend salad.

Aug. 22: Breakfast: Mini pancakes with syrup and apples. Lunch: Tacos on tortilla shells, shredded cheese, diced tomatoes, shredded lettuce, cauliflower and apple sauce.

Aug. 23: Breakfast: Strawberry bagels and bananas. Lunch: Ham sandwiches, chips, romaine blend salad, broccoli and pineapple.

Aug. 24: Cheerios, pop tarts and apples. Lunch: Pork rib patties on hot dog buns, romaine blend salad, carrots, baked beans and pears.

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