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Officials Say Great Need For Blood Donations In Area

The Wolf Point community has a tradition of supporting the American Red Cross’ blood drives, and residents will have another opportunity this week.

The blood donation opportunity is scheduled for Thursday, Aug. 17, from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. at Gospel Fellowship Church. Kitty Kolden, one of the local organizers, notes that the area has seen several dedicated donors throughout the years. She said some local residents have donated 98 units, 97 units, 84 units, 83 units and 74 units.

Kolden, who has donated a total of 64 units, pointed out that many of the donors have been contributing for many years. She started donating blood when she was in her 20s and has been making that commitment for about 40 years.

“We really need young donors too,” Kolden stressed.

She notes that volunteers are also needed. People can help by donating snacks or assist with checking people in.

“One of the most important things is a huge shortage of blood right now,” Kolden said. “I think people don’t realize that there’s no substitute for human blood.”

The American Red Cross has seen a shortfall of about 25,000 blood donations in the first two months of the summer, which makes it hard to keep hospital shelves stocked with lifesaving blood products. Right now, the Red Cross especially needs type O negative, type O positive, type B negative and type A negative blood donors.

David Wall of the American Red Cross notes that donated blood lasts for only six weeks.

Wall says that donations in the summer decrease because people are busy with vacations and other activities.

He said the entire process of donating blood takes only 45 minutes to an hour.

“We’re always taking walk-ins,” Wall said.

You can schedule an appointment to give by downloading the Red Cross Blood Donor App, visiting or calling 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767).

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