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Senior News

Roosevelt County Aging Services provides services to Roosevelt County seniors aged 60 and older and their spouses. Our services include assistance with enrolling in Medicare, Medigap information, congregate meals, homemaking/personal care assistance (not home health care), limited in home-respite care, home delivered meals, senior centers, and commodities.

SHIP Counselors are trained in Medicare eligibility, benefits and options, health insurance counseling and related insurance products. SHIP Counselors are not connected with any insurance company, nor are they licensed to sell insurance, so we are not biased towards any single company. A SHIP Counselor will not make decisions for you; rather, their purpose is to assist you objectively and confidentially, and to empower you to make your own wise health care decisions.

Senior Congregate Meals are offered in Bainville, Culbertson, Froid and Wolf Point twice weekly at noon. The purpose of congregate meals is to reduce hunger and food insecurity while promoting socialization.

Roosevelt County Aging Services currently has two Homemakers, one for each side of Roosevelt County. Examples of homemaking services are light house cleaning, grocery shopping assistance, errands, and meal prepping. Personal care provides standby assistance, supervision, or cues for activities of daily living (e.g., eating, bathing, walking, dressing, and transferring.) In-Home Respite Care provides planned short term and time limited breaks for families and other unpaid caregivers.

The Home Delivered Meal program is designed to meet the nutritional needs of homebound seniors who are not able to physically meet those needs or attend Congregate Meals on their own. Roosevelt County Council on Aging has created a policy that creates the largest impact possible with available resources. There is an application process and there is a waiting list.

Senior Centers provide a variety of activities. You can contact your local Senior Organization President or your community’s Roosevelt County Council on Aging board member to see what your senior center offers.

The Commodity Supplemental Food Program offers a supplemental food package to low-income Montana residents aged 60 and above. This food package is meant to supplement a senior’s existing diet and contains a variety of foods with important nutrients for seniors. Please be aware slots are limited and there may be a waiting list. CSFP is an equal opportunity provider.

If you have any questions, call Julie Bach, program coordinator, at 406-653-6221, or Alyssa Toavs, SHIP counselor, at 406-653-6279, or stop in to see us at 124 Custer St. in Wolf Point Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. (closed state and federal holidays).

We also encourage you to visit our website at https:// www.rooseveltcountymt. gov/aging-services/.

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