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Mrs. Nickoloff’s 1st Grade Class ….

Mrs. Nickoloff’s 1st Grade Class …. Mrs. Nickoloff’s 1st Grade Class ….

Mrs. Nickoloff’s 1st Grade Class Culbertson School

Dear Santa, How is Mrs Claus? Can I plees have a Santa love yo I also want, Celeste. I also want kiko, the kitty corn, love yo. What is your favorite cookie?




Dear Santa, How are the elves, I wot a Devastatar. I wat a pokemon cards two I wot Vikings football cards omega supreme.


Rhett Berwick


Dear Santa, how is your day christmas. I want a kitchen. how are your elves. how your reindeer.

From, Shente Bets His Medicine


Dear Santa, how are you feeling. vinings football cards what ipe cookie do you like I what a microphone. From, Chance Matho Arneson


Dear Santa, Sant how are the renideeer donig. can i have a ps5 plesa an a skateboard pokemon cards tow plesa.

What kind fo cooksies do you like an a cat for my ow non plesa.

From, Ark


Dear Santa how or you donig santa. can i please have bubbles. how or your reindeer. how is Mrs Claus. what kind cookies do you like santa. your cute. and a basket and games.

From, Makaeya Daniels

MMM Dear Santa, 1. how is your day. 2. Can i have a go kart and a snowmobile and a skateboard and a snowboard and lots of shuff. 3. how is your reindeer. thanky From, Wiley Vandahbos


Dear Santa Mery christmas hey santa can I hav Protod Packs. Viking can I also hav vikings football cards. and I whald like all the real ghstbusters toys in the world. Ialso I whont an Eef in teh shef. thak you santa From, Blayden


Dear Santa, haw are your elvs can I pleaese have a pony are you feeling.

From, Gabby Lee

MMM Dear santa, How are you doing plecy can I have a bike and a scotr oh and one mory thing what cokins do you like and two skatse and a makupe set and a soing set and muosik intrmints evreyon of them and a sled From, Josie Rhodes


Mrs. McDonald’s 3rd Grade Class, Culbertson School

Dear Santa, I want Legoes, waterproof tennis shoes a kickball and a new sled.

I have tried to be good this year.

How are your reindeer? How is Mrs. Claus? How are you? How cold is the North Pole?

Your Friend, Boone Dear Santa, How are you Santa? How is Mrs.

Claus? How is your reindeer? All I want for Christmas is a blue drum that is real and some blue cowgirl boats. And do you think you can give me a bone for my dog Dexter? And another boy elf. Thanks.

Your Friend, Ellie Shanks


Dear Santa, I love Elf Fred. I wish he could go to my house this christmas but I know you are busy. What I want for christmas is a tamagatchy and new clothes for Blair my my life doll. And some cat toys for ozey.

How are you Mr. Claus and Mrs.


Love, Maddylin


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