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Ponce-Curl Loves Helping Children

Ponce-Curl Loves  Helping Children Ponce-Curl Loves  Helping Children

Wolf Point High School senior Abby Ponce-Curl demonstrates with her actions how much she cares about children who might be facing challenges.

Ponce-Curl, with the guidance of Northside Elementary School psychologist Andrew Vun, made a cooking class available for students. She applied for grants and fundraising was done to make the program possible.

“We had several foster kids and food stability is a problem everywhere,” Ponce-Curl said.

She explained that some students had access to food, but they didn’t have the knowledge how to prepare the food.

The educational series included kitchen safety, cooking soups such as chicken noodle and chili, preparing pasta dishes, making salads and preparing breakfast.

On the last day of the program, students were able to invite their families for a special steak meal.

After high school, Ponce-Curl will continue to assist children. She will travel to Tyler, Texas, to join Youth With A Mission, a non-profit Christian organization. Ponce-Curl will then be placed in a foreign country and work with children who were victims of human trafficking.

Her education in Wolf Point includes being involved in a co-op program two hours a day where she works at Jitter’z Espresso. Even though she’s not a coffee drinker herself, she loves the atmosphere and visiting with customers.

“It’s really fun,” she said. “I feel like I’m playing the whole time.”

After being home-schooled the last two years, she returned to Wolf Point High School for her senior year so she could support her peers.

When asked about role models in her life, Ponce-Curl mentions her mother, Laura Curl.

“I love my mom. She’s my best friend and is great,” Ponce-Curl said.

Other role models are Hannah Struttmann and Faith Harrison.

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