Pastor Falls In Love With Community

Joy, Caring In Wolf Point
Since arriving in Wolf Point about five and a half years ago, Pastor Mike Andrews of Gospel Fellowship Church has discovered the special care displayed by the community’s residents.
Andrews says that Christmas is a special time when people describe the holiday spirit featuring joy, giving and love, but he feels those attributes are displayed in Wolf Point every day.
“Here at Gospel Fellowship, I see it year round,” Andrews said. “It’s not just in December. It’s been really refreshing for my wife and I.”
The couple’s journey to Wolf Point started when they decided to leave a larger church in the Denver, Colo., area. After being reached by a former pastor of Gospel, Mike was interviewed and then visited Wolf Point.
“We ended up deciding this is where the Lord wants us,” Mike said.
He explained a positive sign came in Billings when a car valet told him and Diane how much he loves Wolf Point and the people of the area. The man said that many people still do business with a handshake in Wolf Point. Then, when the Andrews’ couple spent time with a realtor, they again heard about the great people of Wolf Point.
“We immediately fell in love with the people here of Gospel Fellowship. We fell in love with a lot of people in Wolf Point,” Mike said. “A lot of the people that I associate with, I like the fact they are honest. Their yes is yes and their no is no. It goes to integrity.”
He admires the work ethic and how people are there to assist each other in such instances as when a combine breaks down or a family tries to recover from a fire.
“I love the fact that these people take care of each other,” the pastor said. “You tend not to find that kind of attitude in big cities.”
He mentions recent example of caring as congregation members leaving gifts for the church’s secretary, Penny Presser, or a former church member who moved out of state still sending Christmas cards to each current member.
“Wolf Point has its problems, but the good people here more than outweighs any problems,” he said.
The Andrews couple have joined in the celebration of giving in Wolf Point.
“I think the love and care the people offer here in Wolf Point is contagious,” Mike said. “What we do is an extension of the spirit of love that’s been here since Wolf Point began.”
He is a member of the local ministerial association that holds quarterly singing events. A love offering helps churches assist struggling people who are passing through town. He explains that they first have the visitor stop at the sheriff’s office to make sure there aren’t any arrest warrants. If the person’s record is clean, the ministerial association provides a hotel room and a meal.
“It’s a way we can demonstrate the love of Christ,” Andrews said.
The ministerial association has also held a food drive to benefit the local food pantry.
Diane started a hats and gloves drive in support of local students about four years ago. She collects the items all year long and even receives donations from their friends at the church in Colorado.
“She has a big heart,” Mike said of his wife.
During Vacation Bible School, visitors from the Colorado church perform a community service such as painting the food pantry building. In addition, 100-150 sack lunches are prepared for people on the streets.
“It’s just a way we can extend love in the community,” Andrews said.
That feeling is certainly part of Wolf Point during this holiday season.
“Love and caring are reflections of the culture in Wolf Point,” Andrews said.
Pastor Mike Andrews of Gospel Fellowship Church appreciates the character of Wolf Point’s residents.
(Photo by Bill Vander Weele)