MMM Dear Santa, My ….

Dear Santa,
My name is Kelsey and I am 10 years old. I go to Northside School in Wolf Point, Montana.
I have been good this year by trying to not fight with my sister Laila and I have also been doing my chores on a daily basis.
One thing I would like this Christmas is Illy markers. I would also like a new iphone 16. Can you please bring a basket of food and baby food for my uncle Curtis and for his baby?
Thank you for all my presents last year. I will leave you milk and cookies and some carrots for your reindeer. Have a MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW YEAR!
Sincerely, Kelsey Birthmark Ms. Smoker’s 5th grade Class
Dear Santa,
My name is Dominick and I am 11 years old. I go to Northside School in Wolf Point, Montana.
I have been very good this year by doing all my chores and being good. One thing I would like this Christmas is a train set. Please bring a new coat for my friend John.
Thank you for my presents last year. I will leave you carrots and ranch for your reindeer. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!! Sincerely, Dominick Kermit Brock Ms. Smoker’s 5th grade Class
Dear Santa,
My name is Kimberlee and I am 11 years old. I go to Northside School in Wolf Point, Montana. I have been very good this year by doing all my chores, being as kind as I can, and I trying to catch up in school.
One thing I want is a phone for emergencies and please get me a VR headset as well as a coat. Thank you for all my presents. I’m leaving cookies and milk out for you as a repayment and candy canes for your reindeer. I heard they like candy canes and I am doing it because of how hard they have been working but anyway have a great day or night :) Sincerely, Kimberlee Finley Ms. Smoker’s 5th grade Class
Dear Santa,
My name is Carismae. I am 11 years old. I go to Northside School in Wolf Point, Montana. I have been very good this year by helping my mom and being kind to people.
One thing I would like this year is bracelets. Please bring a necklace for my cousin Cheyanne. Thank you so much for my presents last year. I will leave Christmas cookies and milk and carrots for your beautiful reindeers. Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Sincerely, Carismae Bouldin Ms. Smoker’s 5th grade Class
Dear Santa,
My name is Taityn and I am 11 years old. I go to Northside School in Wolf Point, Montana. I have been good this year by not doing my chores and by being nice to my sister. One thing I would like this Christmas is a VR headset. Please bring a new house for my grandma. Thank you for all the presents last year.
I will leave you milk and cookies and some candy canes for your reindeer. Have a merry Christmas Santa.
Sincerely, Taityn Flynn Ms. Smoker’s 5th grade Class
Dear Santa,
My name is Rachael. I am 10 years old. I go to Northside School in Wolf Point, Montana. I have been very good this year by good grades and I have been nice to others.
One thing this Christmas I want is a rubber band and bracelet kit. Please bring a new car for my grandma.
Thank you for all my presents. I will leave you milk and cookies and some carrots for your reindeer. Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Sincerely, Rachael Pipestem Ms. Smoker’s 5th grade Class
Dear Santa,
My name is Daniel and I am 10 years old. I go to Northside school in Wolf Point, Montana. I have been very good this year by cleaning my room and earning money by raking up leaves.
One thing I would like for Christmas is an Xbox series X. I would also like a Nike ski mask. Please bring a Canada goose jacket for my brother Dominic.
Thank you for all my presents last year. I will leave you milk and cookies and some apples for your reindeer. Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Sincerely, Daniel Martin Ms. Smoker’s 5th grade Class
Dear Santa,
My name is Laila and I am 10 years old. I go to school at Northside School in Wolf Point, Montana. I have been good this year by doing all my chores and I have been nice to others.
One thing I would like this year is Hello Kitty and Kuromi stuff. I would like to thank you for all my presents this last year and this year. I will leave you milk and cookies and some carrots for your reindeer. Have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!
Sincerely, Laila Fasthorse Ms. Smoker’s 5th grade Class
Dear Santa,
My name is Kale and I am 10 years old. I go to Northside school in Wolf Point Montana. I have been very good this year by touching grass (going outside to play) instead of playing Fortnite. I’m also nice to other people.
One thing I would like this Christmas is a VR headset. I also want a new iPhone 15. Can you please bring football cards for best friend Jason.
Thank you for all the presents last year. I will put milk and cookies for you. I will put reindeer food for your reindeer. Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy new year!!!!!
Sincerely, Kale Garfield Ms. Smoker’s 5th grade Class
Dear Santa,
My name is Jason Martell and l am 10 years old. I go to Northside School in Wolf Point, Montana. I have been good this year by opening doors for people and being nice to my best friend.
One thing I would like this Christmas is a remote-control car. Please bring my friend Kale Garfield markers and thank you for all the presents that you gave me last year. I will leave you Reeses and a salad for your reindeer. Have a great Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Sincerely, Jason Martell Ms. Smoker’s 5th grade Class
Dear Santa,
My name is Shooter and I am 10 years old and I go to school at Northside School in Wolf Point, Montana. I have been kind of good this year by raking up yards and I bought my friend a phone.
One thing I would like this Christmas is a Xbox. Please bring a coat for my friend Jason. Thank you for all my presents last year! I will leave you milk and cookies and also some carrots for your reindeer. Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Sincerely, Shooter Clark Ms. Smoker’s 5th grade Class
Dear Santa,
My name is Shailee Nelligan and I am 10 years old. I live in Wolf Point, Montana and I go to Northside School Elementary School. I have been very good this year because I have been caring for the homeless people and helping my grandma clean. I have also been nice to others but I haven’t getting nice replies back.
One thing I would like to have for Christmas is for the homeless to have what we have. I also wish for is to see my grandpa Frank again please. I also want my old grandma to get better.
Thank you for all my presents last year. I will try to leave you cookies and milk for your trip. I will also leave some carrots and ranch for your reindeer. I hope you have a great time delivering presents! Have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Love from Shailee Nelligan Ms. Smoker’s 5th grade Class
Dear Santa,
My name is Aaron and I am 10 years old. I go to school at Northside School in Wolf Point, Montana.
I’ve been just good this year by being quiet and been listening in school.
One thing I want for Christmas is a D-Day plastic Army men and toy Aircraft Carrier. Please let my mom win the lottery. So please and thank you!
Thank you for all my presents last year. I will leave you milk and cookies and some carrots for your reindeer. Merry Christmas!
Aaron Hopkins Ms. Smoker’s 5th grade Class
Dear Santa,
My name is Brandon and I am 11 years old. I am the 5th grade at Northside School. I’ve been pretty good this year by doing my chores, cleaning my room and helping others.
One thing I would like for Christmas is some Garfield stuff and Hello Kitty stuff for my room. I just started living there with my mom and need some things for my room. I would be so grateful. I will leave you some cookies and milk for you. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Sincerely, Brandon Headdress Ms. Smoker’s 5th grade Class
Dear Santa,
My name is C’aske’ and I am 10 years old. I go to school at Northside school in Wolf Point, MT. I have been good this year. I promise.
For Christmas I would like a Spiderman plushy toy. If that’s not too much to ask. Thank you. Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
From C’aske’ Christian Ms. Smoker’s 5th grade Class
Dear Santa,
My name is Karter and I am 10 years old. I go to school at Northside school in Wolf Point, MT.
I have been really good this year at school and at home. I want a Cirkul water bottle with 1,000 flavors. Next, I want a passenger plane, a car, a house, Charlie and the chocolate factory, action figure, and a water slide. Lastly please give my aunty a new car.
I want to meet your elves some day and ride in your sleigh back to the North pole. Merry Christmas Santa!
Love from Karter Foote Ms. Smoker’s 5th grade Class
Dear Santa,
I want a hot wheel garage. And I want to become an elf. David Gorder Mrs. Azure’s 1st Grade Class
Dear Santa,
I want a PS5 and a puppy. I also want an elf for Christmas. I hope you have a good day at the North Pole. Allice Pipe Mrs. Azure’s 1st Grade Class
Dear Santa,
I want a tablet for Christmas. How are the reindeers? Ryanna Drags Wolf Mrs. Azure’s 1st Grade Class
Dear Santa,
Have you fed the reindeer? I’m going to give you some cookies. I want headphones for Christmas. Riot Weeks Mrs. Azure’s 1st Grade Class
Dear Santa,
I wish that I could go to Disneyland. And I hope I’ve been good and my friends. I want a hoverboard for Christmas.
Daveigha Hernandez Mrs. Azure’s 1st Grade Class
Dear Santa,
How are the elves and reindeer doing? I want an Ipad for Christmas.
Seela Standing Rock Mrs. Azure’s 1st Grade Class
Dear Santa, I wish for a LOL doll, and a pogo stick. Neeve Standing Mrs. Azure’s 1st Grade Class
Dear Santa,
I wish for a golden Iphone and to go to a hotel. I can help you take presents to houses. I wish I could be a grownup with magic who can fly. Legend Dale Mrs. Azure’s 1st Grade Class
Dear Santa,
I want an Iphone 14 for Christmas. I would also like an Xbox, and a Nintendo switch. Aadon Budak Mrs. Azure’s 1st Grade Class
Dear Santa,
For Christmas I want a barbie doll, bracelets, and a Christmas Tree. Ashtynn Martell Mrs. Azure’s 1st Grade Class
Dear Santa,
I want a dirt bike for Christmas. And how are the reindeer?
Shadow Big Beaver Mrs. Azure’s 1st Grade Class
Dear Santa,
I want some squishies for Christmas. I would also like some robuxs.
Keenan Chamberlain Mrs. Azure’s 1st Grade Class