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The Basics Of Advent: The Catholic Christmas Season

The Basics Of Advent: The Catholic Christmas Season The Basics Of Advent: The Catholic Christmas Season

The month of December can be a busy time of year. Social engagements related to the holiday season can run the gamut from office parties to school pageants to dinners with extended family. Despite the hectic pace of the holiday season, millions of people still find time to celebrate their faith. For adherents to Catholicism, that includes celebrating the season of Advent.

What is Advent?

The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops reports that Advent is a time of preparation for practicing Catholics, who use the four-week season to prepare for the second coming of Jesus Christ and for the celebration of the birth of Christ, which is commemorated on Christmas Day.

What does “Advent” mean?

The Catholic News Agency indicates that the word “Advent” is derived from the Latin “ad” and “venire,” which loosely translates to “to come” or “to come toward.”

When does Advent begin?

Advent begins four Sundays before Christmas. In 2024, the celebration of the season of Advent began Sunday, Dec. 1 and continues until Tuesday, Dec. 24.

What is the significance of Advent wreaths?

The Catholic News Agency notes that Advent wreaths have been in use since the Middle Ages. The evergreen wreaths remind Catholics of the eternal life in Jesus Christ. Each Sunday during Advent, one of the four candles on the Advent wreath is lit.

Why is one Advent wreath candle a different color than the others?

Three of the four candles on an Advent wreath are purple. The candle lit on the third Sunday of Advent is pink, and priests even wear pink vestments on this day. The USCCB notes that the third Sunday of Advent is known as “Gaudete Sunday.” The word “Gaudete” means “rejoice,” and the unique color of the candle lit on Gaudete Sunday commemorates that the season of Advent is halfway through.

What is the significance of the Advent calendar?

Advent calendars are among the more notable symbols of the holiday season for Catholics, and notes this tradition can be traced back to the mid-19th century. Advent calendars typically feature 24 doors or boxes to open (one for each day between Dec. 1 and Christmas Eve), and they are used by families counting down the days until the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ. Many families with small children utilize Advent calendars to teach youngsters about their faith, which can help to redirect adults’ and children’s focus to the true meaning of the season during a period when it’s easy to grow distracted by other things.

Advent is a season of celebration for millions of individuals who want to emphasize their faith during a joyous time of year.

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