Lustre News
On Monday evening, 35 to 40 ladies enjoyed a night of inspiration at the MB Ladies Christmas party, complete with a meal and gift exchange. Lisa Neufeld began the evening with games and “seeing Jesus in little things.” Melissa Cumpio sang Bethlehem Morning, including the words “Jerusalem, He prays for you. He did not come to you in vain. His moving arms are open wide for you and He will come again. Bethlehem Morning is more than just a memory, for the Child that was born has come to set us free.”
Jeanne Matthyser, shared her story, beginning in Pretoria, South Africa. She used the image of “holding unto Jesus with one hand,” and found that was not sufficient to meet life’s challenges, including facing the sudden death of her dad in a car accident when she was 13. Only when she “surrendered everything to Jesus” later in life, did she learn “His plans are good.” She encouraged us to find the song Back to Life and to take seriously Ephesians 2:4-6 and Psalms 23. She spoke on “The Lord is my Shepherd, therefore I lack nothing … and my cup overflows.”
Jeanne shared with us her journey from living in a desert to come to “the middle of nowhere” where there is snow! She challenged us “to let it go, ladies and hang unto Jesus with both hands.”
She is the wife of Syril Matthyser and they have two young boys in elementary school.
The Lustre Christian High School music department presented their Christmas program Tuesday evening, Dec. 3, at the LCHS gym. Bob Burkhart welcomed the large audience, and spoke of the real meaning of Christmas. Under the direction of Pastor Wayne Hathaway, the 24-member band played Washington & Lee Swing, Let Everything That Has Breath (written by former director, Michael Butler), The Battle Belongs to the Lord
(arranged by Michael Butler), Christmas On Broadway
(arranged by John Higgins),
Christmas Collage (arranged by Douglas Court) and You’re a Mean One Mister Grinch (arranged by Mike Story.)
The choir was accompanied by Jeanne Hathaway, and directed by Pastor Hathaway. They sang Prayer For Peace (Tallis’ Canon), with narration by Byron Ewing, Teagan DeMarrias and Zachary Hilkemann between pieces. Soloists on No Room, written and arranged by John W. Peterson, were Holly Hilkemann, Katie Calderon and Rachel Pew. Soloists on He Is (Chris Knauf) were TJ Cumpio and Chris Traeholt. Soloists on The Holy Place (words/music by Joe and Leila Huerta) were Jaden Gibson and Ashtyn Traeholt. Abby Olfert, Lauren Fast and Diek Olfert played trumpet in accompaniment. Joseph Lee, Nathan Fast, Andy Ponce and Joel Reddig added with their instruments on several pieces. The choir sang Peace, Peace (Rick and Sylvia Powell, arranged by Fred Bock); and We Wish You a Merry Christmas.
Pastor Hathaway spoke then, saying “Jesus came because the world was lost. He took upon Himself the likeness of sinful flesh. As it says in Genesis, the serpent would bruise His heel, but He would crush the serpent’s head. All have sinned — lied, stolen, lusted or using the sacred name of the Holy God as an expression of disgust, as a curse word. Then we have already broken four of the 10 laws. We have offended the Holy God with our sin.
Ezekiel says ‘the soul that sins shall surely die’. The wages of sin is death. There’s no way to soften the blow of separation with God. But the good news is Jesus came into the world to pay the penalty. He rose triumphant over death, sin and the grave. In the 1) admission of our sin, there is hope. Salvation is a gift of God ( Gal 2:8). We must 2) repent of our sin. It is not relevant how deep the sin, but that we repent. Ask God to forgive. He does. ( Psalm 103) “As far as the east is from the west, so far He removes transgressions from us.” Jesus took our penalty and experienced separation from God. You can only go north for so long, and then you have to go south. But you can go west forever and never go east. You can go east forever and never go west. 3) Accept Jesus as your Saviour and Lord. It is why He came. How do we measure the unspeakable gift of His love? He became sin who knew no sin that we might be made righteous in Him.” He then prayed for the young men and women of LCHS, that they may ‘Love Your Word more than life’.
The Lustre Grade School presented their Christmas Program Dec. 5 at 6:30 p.m. The program began with welcome by administrator Jeanne Matthyser, who said “in recognition of the real meaning of Christmas, we have chosen to sing Silent Night in four languages, reflecting the various cultures and languages on our staff and this area.” The first to sing were the Nell and Matthyser families, Stille Nag in Africans. Then, Mr. Prince and Mr. Edmond sang a duet in Tagalog, Lubhang Tahimik. The fifth-eighth grade choir, under the direction of Mr. Edmond sang Stille Nacht which is German as reflected in our communities’ heritage. The fifth-eighth band with 20 members, played Deck the Halls, O Come, All Ye Faithful and We wish You a Merry Christmas, directed by Jeanne Matthyser and Mr. Edmond.
They made the audience aware that students were without a music teacher, as he comes second semester. Mr. Edmond helped the students rehearse for the program, and the students practiced their music in their homes to learn their parts.
Prince Agsbit wrote and directed the Christmas musical called Dreaming About Christmas. The main characters all sang and were Lilly, played by Piper Neufeld who longed for a mom and dad, and family of her own. The children played the parts of elves, gingerbread, reindeer, orphans, and Mr. and Mrs. Santa Claus. Marlee Reddig played Mrs. Elf, Micah Zerbe was Mr. Elf. Gavin Pancratz did a fine job of his song as Gingerbread Man. Ian Unrau was Rudolph, Josua Matthyser was Santa Claus, Drew Reddig and Aubrey Klatt were Mr. and Mrs. Santa Claus, Samantha Neufeld played a Guardian of the Orphans, and Amelia Olfert and Audrey Zerbe were singing reindeer. Costumes and decorations were all made by the students and staff.
Jeanne Matthyser introduced the LGS staff at the end of the program and invited everyone to refreshments and to vote on the door contest — each classroom had decorated their doors for the Christmas season. It was a fine program and well attended.
The church programs are as follows: EMB on Dec. 22, at 6 p.m. On Dec 10, the LCHS drama department will present their drama at 7 p.m. at the LGS gym.