Letters To Santa

Dear Santa,
My name is Broncsten. Hi Santa! I'm 10 and I want Fortnite bucks so I can buy skins and dances please. I can play with my friends. Love, Broncsten Mrs. Perkins' Class at Northside School
Dear Santa,
All I want for Christmas is peace, Beacause you need peace sometimes. I would really like to have world peace, First I would really like peace because everyone argues, fights, sass, Then peace is for your siblings being anoying so, That's why I need peace cause they talk to much. Last I would like everyone to have peace and friends and family to have peace.
Yours truley, Kylee Mrs. Perkins' Class at Northside School
Dear Santa,
I want a P.C. If you don't know what a PC is it is a computer that you can play games and play with friends. And another thing I want for Chrismas is a Justin Jefferson ball for Chrismas, so I can use it to play catch with my friends and family and cousins. Another thing I wan't is a diamond chain. It will look really cool and my name is Kayson. I am 10 years old and I am a MALE. I live in Montana. I live in the country. I love football. Thank you Santa. Love, Kayson Mrs. Perkins' Class at Northside School
Dear Santa,
Hi, hello, Santa I would like a phone for Christmas, because all my friends have one. I love my parents, but we're broke. A phone is all I want, because I'm the only one without a phone. I'm going to tell you a bit about myself, I'm a 11 year old girl that live in Wolf Point on knapp st. Well I hope you can get me a phone, because I don't have one, and My parents don't have enough money.
To Santa, Love, AzMae Mrs. Perkins' Class at Northside School