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Letters To Santa

Letters  To Santa Letters  To Santa

Dear Santa,

I love you! How are you doing? What are the reindeer doing? For Christmas I would like a robot and Batman gear. I need new gloves and a hat. I would love a book about Santa.

Love, Robert Jackson Kim Beckers' Class at Southside School


Dear Santa,

I love you. I need gloves. I want a barbie house. I need a new jacket. I want a barbie. I want makeup. I want a book. It has to be a Lion's book.

Love, Rosilee ShyFace Kim Beckers' Class at Southside School


Dear Santa,

Is uncle Frank on the good list? First, I need a drone because it flies around! Next, I would like a book cats and dogs that fight. Last I would love Reesies's and Doritos mixed together to make Reese Doritos.

Love, Dawnette Montclair Kim Beckers' Class at Southside School


Dear Santa,

I love you Santa. How are the reindeer doing? I want a necklace and a skateboard and nike shoes. First, I need a coat and boots. Next, I will like a book to read. Last, I want toys and a bike.

Love, Joseph George Kim Beckers' Class at Southside School


Dear Santa,

I've been good this year. How are the reindeer? I would love books about you and I need snow boots. I want new clothes and more books about Mrs. Claus.

Love, Abby Mckay Kim Beckers' Class at Southside School


Dear Santa,

I would love to get a new TV. My name is Elizabeth. I have three Dogs and one cat. I have 6 siblings. I want a new TV so I can put it in my room so my Brother can stop bothering me. I can watch what ever I want. My little cousin and I watch stuff in my room. 2 of them are girls and and one is a Boy. the girls are 4 and six and the Boy is ten years old. love, Elizabeth Mrs. Perkins' Class at Northside School


Dear Santa,

I will be writing about a V.R. I used to play a V.R. That stands for Virtual Reality. I used to play my uncle's V.R. before he pawned the V.R. in 2021. I have been waiting 3 years for a V.R. Every time I ask my grandma about it on our way to Billings or Williston she acts like she doesn't know a VR is. Even though I've been asking her for 3 years non stop every Christmas. Every Christmas I even asked Santa for a Quest 3. In the morning I jump out of bed just to get a controller remote RC Car. It's still fun though. But Santa I'm still waiting for my Quest 3. I live in Montana, Oswego Scott Loop. Please and thank you.

Yours truly, Sincerely, Josh Mrs. Perkins' Class Northside School


Dear Santa,

All I want for Christmas is a new blanket. I live on Edgar st. I got to Northside Elementary School WP Montana. I want a new phone case. I think it would look really good. the other reason is it will look like the ocean. I guess and it be really cool. I want the blanket to be soft native blanket. I barely have any native blankets thats why I want one. Love, Malin Mrs. Perkins' Class at Northside School

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