Letters To Santa

Dear Santa,
I have been good this year. I dont want a lot of things but is it ok if I have a strawberry 3-D therian masks and a V.R. headset? Santa do you have a vactation after christmas?
Your friend, Calliope, 8 y/o Culbertson School Third Grade
Dear Santa,
Hey, what do you want for christmas? You gave me so much stuff that I have been wondering. Do you like my cookies I made? Can I please have another fish, yes or no? Did you know you are so nice? And can I please get the ipad I was wanting so i can feel like I belong. Something? Either way pretty please. Can I see you? I have been wondering what you look like please can I see you? Some of my friends think your fake.
Your friend, Gabby, 8 y/o Culbertson School Third Grade
Dear Santa,
I havent been that good this year, please forgive me. Here are my tan 4 gifts. I want a samsung phone a parrot a cage and food for the parrot. Santa, whats your favorite book? How come it blitzen, Rudolf, eat? What do you feed your reindeer? Ill leave carrots.
Your friend, Ark, 9 y/o Culbertson School Third Grade
Dear Santa,
How are you doing? Food, bad, or ok well I think that I was ok. But the elf will decide that. But if it is ok can I have some rubber ducks. I am trying to get the guinness world record but only if it is ok. Now have a merry merry christmas please let the elsf stay for ever but make sure that she wants to.
Your friend, River, 8 y/o Culbertson School Third Grade
Dear Santa,
I have been good, please can I have a sketch book, a toy horse set, a doll that can ride the horse and please a puppy and everything it needs. The cookies we dont know if they are home made or not. Do your reindeer like carrots?
Your friend, Amelia, 8 y/o Culbertson School Third Grade
Dear Santa,
I want a diary of a wimpy kid. I would like a diary of a wimpy kid big shot. I would like to have diary of a wimpy kid the men if do. I want a omego supreme and I wont a devastater. I hafe been ok this year. How are you?
Your friend, Rhett, 9 y/o Culbertson School Third Grade
Dear Santa,
My name is Melodee and I am 7 years old. This year I have been very nice. For Christmas please bring me electric scooter, smart watch, four wheeler, mini squishmallow, disney world, gloves.
With love, Melodee Culbertson Second Grade
Dear Santa,
My name is Kye and I am 8 years old. This year I have been very nice. For Christmas please bring me a electric bike, eldlits.
With love, love Kye Culbertson Second Grade
Dear Santa,
My name is Raiden and I am 7 years old. This year I have been very nice. For Christmas please bring me a electric truck, and a toll crane, a electric plane.
With love, love Raiden Culbertson Second Grade
Dear Santa,
My name is Brayden and I am 8 years old. This year I have been very nice. For Christmas please bring me present, toys.
With love, Brayden Culbertson Second Grade
Dear Santa,
My name is Sadie and I am 7 years old. This year I have been very nice. For Christmas please bring me a woch, Rodllax card, camera, squishmallows and water decorating kit. With love, Sadie Culbertson Second Grade
Dear Santa,
My name is Declan and I am 7 years old. This year I have been very nice. For Christmas please bring me sum hyper nerfs, a nerf rc car with a screen. With love, Declan Culbertson Second Grade