Tribal Board Approves Purchase Of Fred’s Grill, Contracts And Winter Gear
The Fort Peck Tribal Executive Board held its regular meeting in Poplar at the Tribal chambers Nov. 25. The board authorized a new one year term Tribal Fish & Game P.L. 93-638 contract to provide services on the Fort Peck Indian Reservation.
FY 2024 carryover funds were approved for the Law Enforcement Department account 3262 in estimated amount approximately $2,068,887.24.
The board approved the submission of an application for assistances from the EDA’s available Assistance to Indigenous Communities financing imitative.
A letter of support was approved to NIEA in perusing a grant opportunity to create sustainable career pathways for Native American Communities through education.
The Roads Maintenance Department was approved to allow each worker a $600 allowance for cold weather gear in the total amount requested by resolution is $2400.
The board authorized the Tribal Water Resource Office request to renew to proposed contract A19AV00154 for FY 2024-2025 P.L. 93-638 funds in the amount of $128,673.
TTP/IRR were approved to hire five employees and provide winter gear for them.
An appraisal for the Wells Fargo Property was approved and permission was granted for Myrna Walking Eagle to be the negotiator.
During Health & Human Services, the board approved the Tribal Health Department to allocate ARPA funds in the amount of $800 for development of the Tribal Animal Shelter.
The Fort Peck Tribal Health Department was approved to obtain a credit card from Independence Bank with a credit limit of $100,000 with authorized users Dennis Four Bear Tom Escarcega Jr, and Kristofer FourStar.
The board authorized the chairman/vice chairman to endorse any reciprocal “Offer of Grant/Financial Assistance Award” which may be tendered by the U.S. Department of Justice Office for Victims of Crime.
An increase for Clarice Bauer Smoker from a Grade 7 step 1 to a Grade 7 step 6 on the Fort Peck Tribes Healthcare Professional Scale was approved.
A contract with Nancy Sweeny was approved for advance coordination care purposes.
A request from HPDP to appoint Stacey Standing to the correct grade of the reclassified position of Day Care Center Program Manager.
The board voted to approve the Tribal Health Department to allocate ARPA funds in the amount of $3 million for development of provider housing. The Fish and Game Department’s Buffalo Program was approved to offer this contract to Kai Teague to serve as Grant #3273 Project Manager.
A budget modification of $250,000 was approved from the Fort Peck Tribes revolving loan fund account #60-10200 to utilize the funding to purchase Fred’s Grill & Casino for $200,000 and include supplement startup costs of $50,000 with an annual repayment rate at the current CDARS Rate of 3 percent with the first payment scheduled to start on 12/31/25.
The board voted to grant the authority to the Court Administrator or their designee to appoint a special prosecutor as needed for cases that have met the requirements of Comprehensive Code of Justice, Title 2, Chapter 6. The authority granted herein is effective for the 2025 fiscal year and the payments shall be made to the court-appointed special prosecutors.
Authority was granted to the Chief Judge or their designee to appoint a special judge as needed for cases that have met the requirements of the Comprehensive Code of Justice Title 2, Chapter 3. The authority granted is effective for 90 days.
The board approved the NRSA F31 project proposal submission and continues to support the efforts of Montana State University - Bozeman and the Fort Peck Community College to address the health disparities of our American Indian Youth on the Fort Peck Indian Reservation.
The board authorized Tribal Health Service Unit Director Four Bear and delegates of his choosing to coordinate with the patients family’s and the referral agency authorizing remittance of payment on behalf of the patients for any outstanding costs not covered by Medicaid, Medicare or Private Insurance.
A bid from RY Enterprise LLC housekeeping/cleaning services to occur from Nov. 25, 2024, to Nov. 17, 2025, in the amount of $130,000 was approved.