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Poplar FFA Attends Ag Expo In Bozeman

Poplar FFA Attends Ag Expo In Bozeman Poplar FFA Attends Ag Expo In Bozeman

Poplar FFA advisor Ted Fulgham is excited that the school’s chapter was represented at the Montana State University’s Ag Days contest this November.

“This was the first time for many of the members to compete in any FFA contest,” Fulgham said. “The members also got to take tours of the Museum of the Rockies.”

Other tours included the MSU campus and the new Native American building on the campus.

Poplar students attending were Rosie Youpee, Masina Youpee, Frankie Crawford, Miley Crawford, McKenzie Crawford, Jacob Magnan, Joe Small, Kanicq Big Horn and DeShawn Red Eagle.

Montana State University hosted nearly 1,800 high school and middle school students for the annual Montana FFA Ag Expo on Nov. 14-16.

The event is the result of a partnership between MSU, Montana’s John Deere dealers and the Montana FFA Foundation.

Activities included leadership development workshops, education about career options with industry representatives and tours of MSU research and academic facilities. Students also participated in FFA activities, such as quiz bowls and livestock judging, The Montana FFA Foundation supports 111 FFA chapters and more than 7,000 members across Montana.

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