velop those skills, but also ….

velop those skills, but also looks to new opportunities that work in our local communities. By choosing project work in 4-H, members can explore specific projects in over 200 different areas. These can be cooking, livestock production, rocketry, art, citizenship, or shooting sports. There is also a special project area called “Design Your Own,” that allows members to direct their own learning experience.
Volunteers are the glue that keeps the program flourishing. They provide hands-on experiences, knowledge, or networking for 4-H members. They help to build a safe environment for you, guide youth, and help them engage in community endeavors. We celebrate their accomplishments every year after record books are turned in and reviewed at their annual Achievement Day.
4-H impacts on the community are many. They are 4X more likely to give back to their communities, 2X more likely to make healthier choices, and 2X more likely to participate in STEM activities. The 4-H hands-on approach is proven to grow life skills such as confidence, independence, resilience, and compassion through their stages of experience. Many employers, teachers, and community members have remarked that they know those youth that have been involved in 4-H. Anyone can be a part of the 4-H program- reach out for your chance, contact your local extension office, Roosevelt County 406-7875312 for more information.