Senior Profile Imus Enjoys Drama, Art At School

Wolf Point High School senior Cloe Imus was one of the performers during the school play, Dracula, at the high school last week, but her participation in the production was even greater than that.
As well as playing the role of Dark Sister, Imus helped paint the sets for the play.
“I like setting things up more than doing the part,” she said.
Although she usually prefers comedies, Imus was happy with the process of this fall’s play.
“I feel like the production went up with costumes and the details,” she said.
This is her second year performing in plays at Wolf Point High School.
“I wanted to do something since I’m not a huge sports person,” she said.
Imus doesn’t get nervous before going on the stage.
“If something happens, something happens. That’s my motto,” she said.
Along with being a member of the school’s drama club, Imus also enjoys completing art projects.
As far as her favorite class, she selects drama. She says she doesn’t necessarily have a favorite teacher but feels all teachers are pretty good.
She has attended schools throughout the area during her life including Frontier and Wolf Point High School.
“It feels recognizable,” Imus said of what she likes about the community. “Everything seems just normal to me.”
After high school, Imus plans to attend Fort Peck Community College until she decides her career path. She is still undecided, but would like to do something related to art.
“Drama is more of a hobby than a career,” she explained.