Projects Moving Forward In Wolf Point

School Work
The bus barn expansion at Wolf Point High School should be completed in the near future if progress goes as anticipated.
“It was supposed to be on Oct. 9,” Wolf Point Superintendent of Schools Dr. David Perkins said last week. “It should be done quickly. A lot of the framing is up.”
Improvements on the bus barn include room for more than two buses and a space for maintenance. The project was estimated to cost $1.39 million to complete.
Perkins said the concrete should be in place and a temporary wall should be up in mid-November for the weight/wrestling room projects.
“If they can get it enclosed before the snow flies, they should be able to work on the interior,” Perkins said.
The project is estimated to cost $3.3 million.
Perkins is planning to conduct a special public meeting to discuss school building options. The meeting will be on Wednesday, Nov. 13, at 6:30 p.m.
He said officials are researching to apply for an Impact Aid construction grant. He explains the grant must only apply to one building and the grant must target need. “I need to know what the board is thinking,” Perkins said of the upcoming meeting. “We will go through some advantages and disadvantages.”
Possible options include expansions at Northside Elementary School and a new school to replace Southside Elementary School. There’s a possibility that a new school will house more grades than the current format.
Perkins said that if a large scale building improvement plan is agreed on by the school board, Perkins will reach out to the public and local organizations to explain benefits of such a project.