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Culbertson Negotiations Committee Meets

The Culbertson School Negotiations Committee met for collective bargaining talks on Nov. 6 at 6 p.m. Trustees present were Ian Walker, Amber Fox, Chris Petersen and Lisa Steppler, with Lora Finnicum, clerk. Teacher representatives were Janelle Ator, Amy Berwick, Theresa McDonald, Jimie Lou Morris, Tiffany Nielsen and Christina Olson.

No visitors were present. Notice for public comment given. Theresa McDonald thanked everyone for meeting to discuss the agreement between the CEA and the Culbertson Board of Trustees.

Union presented the following negotiation topics: pay scale, grievance procedure wording, policy, master agreement and contract wording; masters and longevity, discretionary days, housing and signing incentive. CEA offered to open discussions with the pay scale and requested to settle each negotiable item before moving onto the next. Union presented a proposed pay scale with 30 years and varied percentage increases of 2, 3, 4 and 6 percent and the rationale for the changes.

Board requested time to review the proposed scale and scheduled another meeting for Nov. 12 at 6 p.m. The meeting adjourned at 6:26 p.m.

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