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Wolf Point Council Approves Bach For Public Works

The Wolf Point City Council held its regular meeting on Monday, July 15.

Terry Toavs appeared to request a revocable license to encroach up to 12 feet on an easement next to his lot on Dawson Street. City attorney Montana Wilson advised the council to grant the easement and council members approved the request.

The council approved a resolution adopting procedures for 504 and Americans with Disabilities Act complaints outlining complaint response protocols.

Wilson said issues with speedy trials related to the departure of the previous city attorney have been resolved through waivers and the scheduling of bench trials. He also detailed eviction notices issued July 1 for two properties on Eureka Street. They are expected to be vacated by the end of the month. He also provided an update on negotiations over the airport terminal lease. He also updated the council on details regarding an RV and camper ordinance currently under development.

Wilson raised questions about longevity pay and Bakken relief payments for Judge Traci Harada. The judge also has questions about her office budget and monthly stipend. The latter issues were sent to the personnel, policy and wage committee for consideration.

The public works report included water pipe installation and annual hydrant flushing, as well as maintenance on the city garbage truck. Street sweeping efforts, weed spraying and mowing on city lots have been ongoing.

Mayor Chris Dschaak discussed his recommendation for the addition of a little free library in front of city office following a request from area residents to place a little free library at Nellie’s Park. The matter is pending.

The Wolf Point Police Department reported 84 calls for service were received during the Wild Horse Stampede this year. The council approved Dschaak to sign an application for Montana Coal Endowment Program grant funding.

Greg Lukasik provided an update on wastewater system improvements. He said bidding is underway for phase 2-A of the project. A motion was approved to accept a bid from Bridges Construction for the larger landfill building in the amount of $168,700.

Ed Bach was approved for hire as public works director. Ken Luckow will continue to draw the public works salary for up to 90 days while training and assisting Bach.

The council approved a $.50/hour wage increase for city employees. The council also approved an increase in employee insurance costs and the police lieutenant salary of $28.50 per hour, effective retroactively beginning July 1. The latter salary may see an increase after six months.

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