County Looks To Improve County Road
The Roosevelt County Commissioners agreed to look at options for County Road 1011, located near Bainville, during their meeting held on Tuesday, July 9.
Commissioners explained there has been an increase in oil traffic on the road so they’ve agreed to consider having Interstate Engineering conduct a survey in order to provide options.
After a request was made by commissioners, Bainville resident Dana Berwick provided information about the road through video conferencing.
Berwick said that during peak traffic time, about 20 trucks an hour use the road. There are at least 100 trucks on the road per day.
He explained lanes on the road are wider, but the culverts can be dangerous. One concern is drivers on the road who aren’t familiar with the challenges. Berwick said he feels the county’s road department is doing as good of a job as possible. Commissioners mentioned replacing culverts or improving crowns as possible projects.
Interstate Engineering will submit cost estimates for the survey at an upcoming meeting.
Also during the meeting, commissioners approved the hiring of Wade Hansen to the road department on a split vote.
Commissioner Robert Toavs questioned whether the job was advertised properly. Other commissioners said the job was posted months ago and stated it was open until filled. Road foreman Ken Norgaard mentioned hiring challenges.
“It’s between a hard place and rock to find employees,” Norgaard said.
The motion to hire Hansen passed by a 2-1 motion with Toavs voting against.
Annual pay raises were approved for Jared Poland, Curtis RedEagle, Sarah Wagner and Teresa Romo. Dan Sietsema was rehired as a mower.