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Marijuana Sales Going Well During 2024

Marijuana sales dipped slightly during the month of April in Roosevelt County, according to figures from the Montana Department of Revenue.

Overall estimated cannabis sales in Roosevelt County were $413,116 for April. That figures translates to $13,770 a day. The amount was $348,471 for recreational use and $64,645 for medical use.

During March, the county had a total of $441,365 or $14,237 a day.

Totals were $352,864 in January and $415,671 in February.

Sales continue to increase in Richland County during 2024. Total estimated sales in Richland County were $972,321 or $32,410 daily during April.

Previous sales for Richland County included $894,922 in January, $896,128 in February and $956,334 in March.

Counties with the top amount of sales during April were Yellowstone at $4,511,097, Gallatin at $3,921,132 and Missoula at $3,269,791.

Total cannabis sales have increased each month since the start of the process in January 2022.

Sales in Montana during 2024 have been $647,841,080 in January, $672,932,155 in February, $699,858,388 in March and $726,038,474 in April.

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