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Safe Driving Tips Ahead Of 100 Deadliest Days Of Summer

Memorial Day weekend marked the beginning of the “100 Deadliest Days of Summer.” Montana State Highway Patrol troopers will increase their presence on Montana roads and highways throughout the summer, cracking down on drunk and drugged drivers.

MHP has already seen an increase in deaths and crashes compared to this time last year, and those numbers are likely to grow as more fatal crashes occur during the time between Memorial Day and Labor Day than any other time of year. There were 62 traffic deaths in Montana from Jan. 1 through May 20 — a 15 percent increase from the same time last year. Excessive speed and alcohol can be major contributing factors in fatal crashes. Alcohol- related traffic deaths are up 30 percent from this time last year and traffic fatalities with speed as a factor are up 20 percent.

Simple rules to follow so everyone can make it home safely and enjoy the summer with their families:

• Slow down and follow the speed limit. The speed limit is the maximum speed for the ideal conditions. Slow down when there is traffic, varied roadway conditions, or inclement weather.

• Don’t drive impaired. A person’s ability to operate a motor vehicle while impaired by drugs or alcohol is greatly diminished. Driving impaired can ruin your life and the lives of others.

• Wear your seatbelt. Seatbelts are the cheapest life insurance there is.

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