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Fifth Through Eighth Grade Choir

Fifth Through Eighth Grade Choir Fifth Through Eighth Grade Choir

The members of the fifth through eighth grade choir (top photo) were: (soprano) Bryanna Allen, Lucia Benade, Grace and *Samuel Byers, Sheila Jones, Brielle Keller, Aubry and Sidney Klatt, *Joe Olfert, Hannah Pancratz, *Liam Reyneke, Nancy Schiller, Ashtyn Traeholt; (alto): Kencia Brown, Justice Byers, *Gunner Damboise, Lauren Fast, *Coleman and Holly Hilkemann, Ava Holtzrichter, Samantha and *Jake Neufeld, *Drew and Harlo Reddig, *Justin Schiller; (tenor) Bryson Allen, and those marked with an asterisk (bottom photo) on Siyahmba; (bass): KJ Brown, Kayden Charette, Wheeler Damboise, AJ Lloyd, Joel Reddig and Christopher Traeholt.

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