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Wolf Point School Board Approves More 2024 Staff Hires, Reorganizes With New Trustees

Staff for the upcoming school year was the main topic at the Wolf Point School Board’s meeting Monday, May 13.

Retirements and resignations included Amanda Campbell, junior high teacher; Diane DeWitt, head cook; Eileen Poserio, high school science teacher; Nancy Richter, Southside teacher; Andrew Tumonong, Northside teacher; Rhena Tumonong, Southside teacher; Richie Tumonong, Southside teacher; Ronnell Tumonong, Northside teacher; Trinity Whitmus, Southside teacher; and Patrick Wilkinson, Southside head custodian.

Staffing hires for thh 2024-2025 school year included Mary Ann Barba, Northside special education teacher; Kathleen Damboise, Southside interventionist; Laurel Hitchborn, junior high/high school social studies; Marissa Lagman, Northside sixth-grade teacher; and Ashley Schwarzrock, Southside teacher.

New hires who began immediately were Deanna Sherman, substitute teacher; and Justin Vermette, assistant custodian.

Summer school hires for the junior high/high school included Leslie Larson, coordinator; Karli McGowan, teacher; Angela Swenson, teacher; and Rona Stevens, substitute. Summer school hires for Southside and Northside schools were Laura Dennis, lead teacher; Shelica Deserly, gymnastics teacher; Sheryl Dulohan, Tiffany Sietsema, Laura Stichman, Dorian Talks Different, Ashley Wilkening as teachers; Melissa Acenas, Sandra Sather-Westley and Rhena Tumonong as substitutes; and Leandra Gustafson, food prep.

Extracurricular hires included Andrea Sansaver, junior high track coach for 2023-2024; Eric Peterson, activities director; Frank Benson, Scott Montgomery and Scott Vandall as high school football assistant coaches; Ronnie Chavez, high school football volunteer coach; Nicole Paulson, high school varsity volleyball head coach; Cole Baker, high school cross country assistant coach; Darryl Ricker Sr., junior high cross country; Zander Ackerman, junior high cross country; and Rodney Paulson and Martin Weeks as high school boys’ basketball assistant coaches.

The following classified staff contracts were renewed for the 20242025 school year: Dave Allen, Roberta Azure, Carolyn Beauchamp, Shawn Boysun, Lance Chase, Cassie Clampitt, Bev Corne, Ron Davis, Arden DeWitt, Mario Dulohan, Naomi Erickson, Emar Eymard, Fern Follet, Lana Fourstar, Leandra Gustafson, LaRae Hanks, Kendra Hawk, Katrina Hines, Kory Hines, Kathryn Holland, Brent Jackson, DeJondra Jackson, Rick Keller, Tim Kolbeck, Michael Lagman, Josh Mansfield, Dawntawna Nation, Antionio Nation Jr., Beth Olsen, David Perkins, Dell Pipestem, Shane Reed, Marianne Rees-Zilkoski, Allen Richard, Erin Ricker, Iva Ricker, Sandra Sather-Westley, Vivian Schultz, Crystal Schwarzrock, Ellen Sievers, Corrinne Smith, Leanne Smith, Maverick Smith, Carrie Talks Different, JubileeJade Tapaha, Cheryl Taylor, Stacey Traeholt, Shirley Vandall, Carol Wallette, Linda Warmbrod, Taunya Wasser, Troy Webb, Jaycee White and Elizabeth Zimmer.

Canvass Of Election

The 2024 trustee election for District 3, District 4, and District 6 (E3 At Large) was canceled because the number of candidates filing for open trustee positions was equal to the number of positions to be elected. District 3 candidate was Michael Turcotte, District 4 candidate was Cody Larson, and District 6 (E3 At Large) candidate was Sarah Copenhaver. The board voted to approve the canvass and directed clerk Demi Wilkinson to issue certificates of election for the three new board members.

Roxanne Gourneau was reelected as chair and Keith Higgins is vice chair.


Southside Elementary School principal Tara Thomas reported on the awards her students had earned and noted that a family game night was held April 15. There were 50 to 70 students attending the afterschool programs which ended May 9. Field trips have been scheduled for all the grades at Southside. Kindergarten roundup will be held May 22 from 5 to 7 p.m. and the third-grade transition will take place on May 29 as will the pre-kindergarten graduation. An end-ofthe- year carnival is set for May 30. Southside’s student enrollment is 248 with 31 students in pre-kindergarten, 38 in kindergarten, 57 in first grade, 70 in second grade and 52 in third grade.

Northside School principal Georgie Gourneau reported that PAX GBG partners came to the school to do a PAX evaluation. Northside has been doing PAX for five years and the partners were impressed with the progress made commented that Northside is a “lovely school with a great vibe.” Northside’s enrollment currently stands at 172 students. Students participated in afterschool and Friday school programs that focused on academics, ribbon skits and drum making and a fun-filled math night was held.

Junior high principal Dan Horsmon reported that MAP scores are showing encouraging growth in the majority of students tested and that SBAC is about 95 percent complete. He noted that credit recovery is in full swing and they will be determining summer needs for credit recovery. The junior high staff and students are gearing up for eighth-grade graduation. Junior high students visited Havre Beneath The Streets and the Blaine County Museum.

High school principal Kim Hanks reported that May started off busy and looks to stay that way. The high school band and choir competed at the state music festival May 3-4. There were over 80 students who qualified for Triple Crown, which involves a treat of pizza and bowling for junior high and high school students who have been on the honor roll for the first three quarters of the school year. A number of activities will round out the month, including the academic awards program on May 20, athletic awards program on May 21, graduation on May 26 and the last day of school on May 30. A junior high year-end celebration is planned for May 23.

Activities director Eric Peterson reported that 50 to 55 Northside and Frontier students participated in Little Wolves football and 25 took part in Little Wolves volleyball. Junior high track wrapped up their season on May 10 at Glasgow. Golf has been challenging with the weather and several meets were postponed or canceled. The Northern B divisional meet was held May 6 in Glasgow with only nine holes instead of the normal 18. The regular tennis season ended May 11 and the Eastern B/C divisional meet is May 1617 in Miles City and state is May 23-25 in Missoula. Wolf Point hosted the 2C and 3C district track meets on May 11. The Northern B divisional meet will be held May 17-18 in Glasgow and state is at Laurel May 23-25. Wolf Point will host the Eastern C divisional track meet on May 16.

Facilities director Shane Reed updated the board on projects and summer cleaning plans. They are still waiting on the boiler for Southside.

The board’s next meeting is scheduled for Monday, June 10, at 6 p.m.

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