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Absentee Ballots Mailed To Registered Absentee Voters

Montana's primary election is under way.

On Friday, May 10, Secretary of State Christi Jacobsen said counties across the state mailed absentee ballots to registered absentee voters. Ballot packets were mailed to more than 450,000 registered absentee voters.

'State and local election officials are honored to serve our Montana voters during this primary election cycle,' said Secretary Jacobsen. 'All eligible Montanans are encouraged to have their voices heard by participating in our primary election. State and local election officials are here to answer questions and ensure safe, secure, transparent, and accessible elections for all Montanans.'

'Thank you to the Montana Elections Team — the staff at the Secretary of State's Office and our county election officials – and thank you to the volunteers who assisted with preparing absentee ballot packets,' continued Secretary Jacobsen.

During the primary election, voters may choose only one party ballot to vote. Voted ballots must be received by county election officials by 8 p.m. on election day, June 4. If voters have questions, including receiving, voting, and returning their ballot, they may contact their county election office. Contact information is available on the Secretary of State's website and at

For local voters who will vote in person on election day, copies of sample ballots will be published in the May 30th issue of the Northern Plains Independent.

Voters may also check their registration information, find sample ballots and track their ballots online at WhereToVote.aspx.

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