Wolf Point Police Blotter
( Publisher’s Note: The following blotter includes the activities of the Wolf Point police and fire department March 11-17. All those cited or arrested are presumed innocent.)
March 11
Samuel Birdtail Sr., 35, male, 400 block of Alder Street, aggravated disorderly conduct and criminal trespassing, tribal court.
March 13
Kevin Brown, 26, male, 100 block of Edgar Street, criminal trespass to property, tribal court.
March 15
Larry Headdress, 59, male, Fourth Avenue South and Main Street, starting, turning and stopping without regard to safety, tribal court.
Arthur Devereaux, 30, male, Fourth Avenue South and Main Street, starting, turning and stopping without regard to safety, tribal court.
James Eagle Sr., 56, male, 100 block of Third Avenue South, criminal possession of drug paraphernalia and warrant, tribal court.
March 16
Kim Allan Azure, 32, male, 100 block of Main Street, turn and stopping without regard for safety, no insurance and no registration, tribal court.
March 17
John Clark, 61, male, Fourth Avenue North and Fallon Street, starting, turning and stopping without regard to safety, tribal court.
In addition to the citations above, the WPPD had the following activity: abandoned 911 call, one; accident/hit and run, two; alarm/business, one; animal/other, one; assault, two; attempted burglary/residential, one; burglary/residential/ forcible, one; burglary/ residential/no force, one; civil complaint/restraining order, one; curfew (juveniles), one; disorderly conduct/fight, three; disorderly conduct/ vagrant, two; disturbance/arguments, one; disturbance/ music, one; disturbance, one; disturbance/remove unwanted person, five; domestic abuse, one; drugs/solicitation, one; loitering/panhandling, three; medical assistance, one; minor in possession/alcohol, one; other, two; patrol/ city limits, two; public intoxication, three; public intoxication/ open container, two; simple assault, two; stolen vehicle, two; suicide threat/adult male, one; suspicious activity, one; suspicious vehicle, two; threats, two; traffic crime/ careless driving, one; traffic crime, one; traffic incident, six; traffic roads/parking, one; trespassing, three; warrants/tribal, one; weapon offense, one; welfare check, nine; total, 74.