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Superintendent Provides Information From Conference

During Wolf Point’s School Board meeting on Monday, March 11, superintendent of schools David Perkins provided a report from his experience at the National Conference of Education recently held in San Diego, Calif.

He advised trustees that he was informed about a grant targeting trade instruction and aimed at schools that reside on reservations. Perkins explained the school works with a builder and the students go to the job sites.

“The idea is for students to graduate with credentials in construction,” Perkins said. “This would benefit the students, the district and the community.”

Grant amounts range from $150,000 to $500,000.

Also during the conference, Perkins heard about different methods to improve attendance at schools.

“Some of their ideas coincide with what my ideas are. I brought back some of the ideas for our improvement committees to consider,” Perkins said.

In addition, Perkins mentioned future technology challenges including artificial intelligence that will come to all schools. Perkins hopes to have technology administrator Cole Hanks and building principals attend conference regarding the technology when available.

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