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tance through a competitive process ….

tance through a competitive process at the Department of Energy.”

“It’s economic development,” Oelkers said of the project. “This will be a major taxpayer in Roosevelt County if it happens.” He added that it would bring good paying jobs to the area.

The county commissioner noted the project will be environmentally friendly. “It’s federally backed to move the U.S. to be more independent with fertilizer.”

Oelkers added that part of the project down is a solar farm. About 1,000 acres of land is needed for that portion. “It will happen in phases,” he explained.

Mues said he’s been told the fertilizer plant is the largest job creation project in Montana in four decades.

He said there are several reasons to develop the low-carbon fertilizer project in eastern Montana including renewable energy potential, land and water available. The project has the potential to let the country be least dependent on foreign countries China, Russia and the Middle East.

“Eastern Montana in general is one of the best regions in the world for low-carbon energy for agriculture production,” Mues said. He spent part of his childhood being raised in Wolf Point.

Cyan H2 is a Montana veteran- owned business. Four principles are veterans including two West Point graduates and two U.S. Naval graduates.

Wolf Point’s Lance FourStar recently accompanied State Sen. Jacob Small to discuss the project at the DoE Tribal Clean Energy Summit held in Temecula, Calif.

“I feel the fertilizer project is great and has a lot of support,” FourStar said. “It’s going to happen.”

Mues noted, “We’re pushing forward. Lance has been very supportive of how we can incorporate tribal members’ talents and skills set with the project.”

They agree that the project will be a great benefit to eastern Montana.

FourStar encourages the public to support the project.

“We’re finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel,” Mues said.

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