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Montana 4-H Leads In Youth Development

Montana 4-H Leads In Youth Development Montana 4-H Leads In Youth Development

Montana youth are thriving in 4-H programs. 4-H offers a powerful connection to the community and the opportunity for youth to gain employable skills that last a lifetime.

4-H Is Life Skills Through Project-Based Learning Nearly 17,920 Montana youth enrolled in animal and vet science projects, from lizards to llamas and snakes to steers, learning responsibility, goal setting, record keeping and resiliency.

Youth enrolled in animal projects mastered skills such as self-motivation and discipline. These are transferable skills as youth reach higher education and a career.

Over 6,500 Montana youth enrolled in environment, educational, and earth science projects have gained an understanding and appreciation for Montana’s natural resources.

4-H is Employable Skills

The 4,977 youth enrolled in food and nutrition projects, 3,544 youth enrolled in plant science and weeds projects and 1,607 youth enrolled in technology and engineering 4-H projects are exploring rewarding career opportunities and finding passion in employable fields at early ages.

The knowledge and skills gained mastering 4-H projects like crop science, robotics and food science prepares youth for meaningful employment later in life.

4-H is Communication Skills That Can Be Applied In All Parts Of Their Future An average 4-H member has multiple opportunities to present and interview throughout the 4-H year. These unique opportunities add up and allow 4-H’ers to develop confidence and skills communicating in both prepared and spontaneous settings.

4-H Is A Connection To Community 4-H brings youth together with caring adults and peers, both face-to-face and virtually, to ensure belonging and connection to their community. Youth who feel connected are less likely to suffer from severe depression or attempt suicide.

A recent study indicated that participation in 4-H during the COVID-19 pandemic contributed to keeping communities connected during isolation. This might have been a virtual activity, a call from a 4-H volunteer, or service project done at home. 4-H’ers helped themselves, their friends and their community during challenging times.

4-H Is Learning To Lead In Their Own Communities Nearly 3,790 Montana youth enrolled in the leadership project develop character, focus on personal growth, and practice goal setting. 4-H members identify needs in their community and are encouraged to mobilize and lead members to meet those needs through community-based projects. 4-H members execute a project to make a difference in their community, reflect on what they have accomplished and identify what they can do differently to increase impact. 4-H Is Being A Good Citizen 4 H programs empower youth to be well-informed citizens who are actively engaged in their communities and the world. Youth build decision-making skills and develop a sense of understanding and confidence in relating and connecting to others.

Over 44 percent of surveyed 4-H youth in grades 7-12 credit their 4-H experience for providing a greater opportunity to learn about people who are different from them.

4 H members contribute hundreds of thousands of volunteer hours back to communities every year. Over half of grade 3-6 4-H members indicated they had more opportunity to help plan a community service project since joining 4-H, while 24 percent reported having led a community service project as a member of 4-H.

To learn more about 4-H in the area, contact your local Extension office.

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