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Lustre News

Lustre Christian High School fans gathered to celebrate the divisional tournament team’s victories on Sunday, March 3. Bill Reddig, coach of the girls’ team, introduced his players and commended assistant coach Sadie Brown and those who volunteered to run the clock, etc., during the season. He read Ephesians 3:20-21 as the teams’ challenge verse and said, “Not only in basketball, but in life, He will give us strength abundantly above all we can hope for. Ephesians 3:20-21 is for life in a nutshell.”

The coaches performed a decked out skit, lipsinking a song, We are the Champions, complete with guitar and wigs. They gave each team and managers opportunity to express appreciation to the community for their support over the season. Quoting some of the comments that evening, the team concurred Courtney Teichroew was acclaimed the best manager in the state of Montana. KJ Brown said, “Thank you for showing me how to manage.” Teichroew said he was “proud and happy to be part of this team.” Johnslee Pierre said, “We enjoy being with these guys off the court, too.”

Team captain Cayden Klatt said, “The loss to Scobey was the best thing that happened to us. Thank you for praying for us.” Terran Joseph recognized Papa Ron (bus driver) and his two coaches, saying, “I am a completely different person than I was two years ago, because of you men.”

Justin Klatt, assistant coach, addressed Randy Reddig, speaking to “the endless time and effort Randy puts into these young men who have grown up so quick.”

Reddig explained that Isaiah 40:31, especially the first part of the verse, was their team verse this year. It says, “Those who wait for the Lord will gain new strength.” He explained the acronym put on the white board at each game: GOAT standing for “God over all things.” He said it was amazing to have “the full Glasgow gym go silent while we are praying after the championship game.”

He talked of going into a championship game with the pressure of a possibility of challenge games and expressed appreciation to their wives for their constant support. He expressed how grateful he was the team enjoyed being together. There was a police escort and vehicles.

The scoreboard announced the final score for divisional championship: 56 to 47.

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