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City Council Approves Recreation Hires

The Wolf Point City Council held its regular meeting Tuesday, Feb. 20.

The council passed authorization to hire a new recreation director and pool manager in Marianne Zilkoski Rees and Tiffani Darby respectively.

Brianna Vine from Great Northern Development Corp. provided an update on Custer Street improvements. She said a request for proposals has been prepared and advertised statewide.

Greg Lukasik from Great West Engineering was on hand to give updates on wastewater system improvements. Grant news is pending regarding funding on phases 2 and 3 of the project.

An update was provided regarding the landfill building insurance claim. The claim is expected to pay out more than $113,000. Construction of two replacement buildings is expected to exceed $250,000. Quotes are being obtained for that project.

Tiffany Grey Bear was approved for hire as utility billing clerk and Calvin Adams was transferred to the position of landfill gatekeeper. Duane Good Track was promoted to solid waste maintenance worker II.

The city’s contract for a new legal council was approved for advertisement.

The council discussed upgrading the camera system in council chambers. Two bids for cleaning L.M. Clayton Airport were opened. The applicants were referred to committee for consideration.

Wolf Point Police Chief Alicia Morales submitted her monthly activity report, as did public works director Ken Luckow.

Claims and payroll were reviewed and approved.

Minutes were passed for meetings, special meetings and a public hearing for November, December and January.

The next council meeting is set for April 15 at 7 p.m.

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