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Froid Council Members Discuss Fire Hall Addition

Froid Council Members  Discuss Fire Hall Addition Froid Council Members  Discuss Fire Hall Addition

The Froid Town Council held its regular meeting Monday, Feb. 19, rescheduled from Feb. 12.

Prior to the meeting, a public hearing was held seeking comment on a House Bill 355 project priority list. Following discussion, a list was created beginning with roof repairs to the town building. The list also includes street repairs and may include repairs to the sewer system.

Public works director Alan Engelke gave his report and introduced plans for a fire hall addition. Funding options were discussed by the council.

Mayor Sheri Crain expressed confidence that the community would support improvements. A building permit was discussed and an application for the project is expected at the March council meeting.

A resolution was also passed adding local government review to the June ballot per state mandate. Voters will be asked whether to reconsider the style of government used by community leaders. This is not an opportunity to support or oppose individual council members or town officers. Currently all small towns in Montana employ the mayor/ council format.

Clerk LeAnn Johnson gave the council an update on American Rescue Plan Act project funds, which are still pending.

Resolution 2024-1 approving the HB 355 priority list was passed.

The next council meeting is set for March 11 at 6:30 p.m.

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