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Students Provide Cultural Information On Wall

Students Provide Cultural Information On Wall Students Provide Cultural Information On Wall

Members of a senior English class at Wolf Point High School have provided an artistic display and information regarding various tribes in Montana.

Teacher Douglas Evans noted that part of the assignment was showing how each tribe is unique from the other tribes.

“They have unique cultures and they have differences,” Evans said.

Reservations featured on the wall featured Fort Peck, Rocky Boy, Blackfeet, Fort Belknap and Flathead.

The students’ work included a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation providing research on each of the tribes. Evans said the project took a little more than two weeks to complete.

He said it was the students’ idea to have the life-sized examples wear modern clothing to show how they have prospered while also maintaining their culture.

Evans added that he feels it’s important to keep adding cultural activities at the school.

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