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School Menus

Frontier School Feb. 19: Nacho beef potatoes, fruits and veggies.

Feb. 20: Sausage, egg and cheese croissants, fruits and veggies.

Feb. 21: Fish and chips, fruit and veggies.

Feb. 22: Spaghetti with meat sauce, fruits and veggies.

*** Wolf Point School Feb. 19: Breakfast: Pancakes and oranges. Lunch: Pork sandwiches, chips, peaches, salad, baked beans and cauliflower.

Feb. 20: Breakfast: Bagel sandwiches and apples. Lunch: Chili, cinnamon rolls, crackers, salad, celery, carrots, cheese slices and applesauce.

Feb. 21: Breakfast: Cereal, oranges and Scooby Doo grahams. Lunch: Corndogs, macaroni and cheese, salad, broccoli and apricots.

Feb. 22: Breakfast: Breakfast burritos and bananas. Lunch: Lasagna, garlic bread, salad, corn and pineapple. *** Lustre School Feb. 19: No school. Feb. 20: Curry chicken. Feb. 21: Chicken burgers. Feb. 22: Meatball subs. Feb. 23: Pizza.

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