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months. The proposal calls for ….


months. The proposal calls for more water to be released in the spring to attract fish to move upstream and spawn.

The Corps’ plan includes that beginning on April 16, flows would be increased by 1,700 cubic feet per second each day until the peak flow at the Wolf Point gauge reached 16,000 cfs. The process will only take place when the Fort Peck Reservoir’s elevation is at 2,227 feet or more. The amount of flows would increase by 1,700 cubic feet per second each day until the peak flow hits 16,000 cubic feet per second in Wolf Point. After keeping that flow amount for three days, the flow will slowly decreased and then increased to 28,000 cfs during late May. After the peak flow is held for three days, it will slowly be decreased to 8,000 cfs and kept there through mid-July.

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